A New Year - A New Blog

It's a new year, and I'm ready to start blogging again, using this new blogging platform.

In December, I did my first two paintings on request. (I should say that I completed my first two paintings on requests. My son requested a set of two paintings, one of which I completed a few months ago, but until the second painting is done, I don't consider this a completed request.)

1.  My mom wanted a mandala on canvas, with just one color (blue), to put in her living room. This is what I created for her:

I used pencil and a compass to draw some guiding circles, and I used pencil for some of the design drawings. The unique part of making this mandala, for me, was using a small paintbrush and Golden fluid paint for all of the drawing. This was time-consuming, but very meditative. To complete the image, I added a number of dots using a paintbrush and white Golden fluid paint, which was also a very relaxing process. I'm proud to say that this mandala is now hanging on my mom's living room wall!

2.  During my mom's 2-month stay with us in Florida, her cousin from Quebec came for a 2-week visit. She saw some of the mandalas that I had created over the last couple of years, and asked my mom if she thought that I would make her one. I didn't know about this until after she had left, and when I heard, I decided to make her a small mandala:

I created this mandala using a black Sharpie, a compass, and a ruler, on a small canvas. Then I filled in the color with Twinkling H2O's, which are beautiful, sparkly watercolor paints. I went over the black lines with small white dots, and then I was done. I hope that she enjoys it!
